Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow Day

Hi all I hope the weather is better with you than it is  here right now. Its looking beautiful but has been snowing hard for 6 hours now and the wind is coming up! Have a great day;)Z0188341


  1. Wonderful snow scenery in the your garden. we have had snow on and off all the week, but such cold temperatures that it has more frozen than anything else. Main thing is keep the bird station filled with food, although my wild birds seem to be the fattest in the neighbourhood. I might just be overfeeding them.

  2. Did you say 6 inches of snow?! Wow! Beautiful :) have fun!!

  3. Its all looking so pretty .... I rather love the blanket of calm and silence that the snow seems to bring.

  4. Looks very picturesque, but I hate going out in it. I was lucky here, most of Wales got hit really hard, but here on the coast I just got loads of rain.

  5. I watched the news last night and it showed England snowed under and Heathrow Airport shut down and said it would affect the whole of England. I was thinking of you guys and hoping you were alright.

    Lovely photo Baz, my immediate thought was 'Fairy Land.'
