The First Poem I ever wrote LOL: Mississippi - The River Was circa 2008
This is what I wrote in the blog way back then:
OK I checked this out with Gary LOL, The man is a poet.
He said yep this is a poem, so I guess it must be lol!
Its the first I have ever written down a poem, I only kept them in my head, but the idea of it came to me as I traveled down the river on my road trip, but only jelled when I read one of Gary's poems , so thanks Gary for the inspiration.
Mississippi - The River Was
The River Was, my friend
The River Was, my companion
The River Was, my guide
The River Was was, my brother growing slowly at my side
The River Was, the sculptuer of the land before my eyes
The River Was, always there for me under clear or cloudy sky's
The River Was, a teacher of things natural, powerful and spiritual
The River Was
The River is
The River always will be
The River Was, is and will be, when there is no more me.
The River Was
Very nice :)